background image



“Alarm” melody in case of memory event presence, after 

disarming the system.


Short beeps with subsequently increasing period, indicating 

intrusion into an entry-exit type zone with an activated chime 

option, when the system is disarmed.


Two short sound signals indicating system ARMING followed 

by the signalization for exit time.


Three short sound signals indicating system DISARMING.

Access Codes for Programming and Management




Engineer 7777


- Direct entry into “Device enrollment” mode.

- Changing own code.

- Keyboard settings.




- Arming/Disarming the system.

- Setting, changing and deleting user access codes.

- Changing own code.

- Keyboard settings.

- Clearing the memory event indication.




- Arming/Disarming the system.

- Changing own code.

- Keyboard settings.

- Clearing the memory event indication.

LED Indication for System Status

Icon Description Color State





Lights on  System is Armed


- Enrolling to panel

- Entry in programming mode




Lights on System is Disarmed


- Confirmation for enrollment

- Entry at address in 

programming mode



for troubles 

and memory 



Lights on System is disarmed, trouble 

event presence


Selected device (from the panel)


Lights on

System is armed/disarmed, 

memory event presence


Disabled value in programming 

mode; set user code at address


In case of presence of a technical trouble and a memory event at the 

same time, the indication for memory event is with higher priority.

User Operation

Arming with a code

The user can perform Full or Stay Arming of BRAVO panel.

To perform Full arm, enter in sequence:

Manager or User code -   - 1 - 

Exit time starts running

To perform Stay arm, enter in sequence:

Manager or User code -   - 2 - 

Exit time starts running

Quick Arming without a code

The quick arming without a code is available when the option “Keyboard quick 

Arm Buttons” is Enabled (

via ProsTE software

) for the BRAVO panel to which 

the BRAVO KBD is enrolled. 

To perform Quick Full arm, enter in sequence:

   - 1 - 

Exit time starts running

To perform Stay arm, enter in sequence:

   - 2 - 

Exit time starts running


The disarming is performed with entering of valid Manager or User code. 

Blocking the keyboard

In case of entering of three wrong (not valid) user codes in sequence, 

confirmed with #, the keyboard will be blocked for operation for 90 seconds.

Sending of a panic alarm

In case of emergency situation, the User can activate a panic alarm, pressing 

and holding for 3-5 sec the buttons combination (

the panics type - silent or 

audible - are set via ProsTE software


1+3 – Police panic alarm 

(silent by default)

4+6 – Medical panic alarm 

(silent by default)

7+9 – Fire alarm panic alarm 


The keyboard will confirm with three short sound signals.

Clear the indication for event memory

The presence of a memory for an alarm event is indicated with lighting on 

red icon 

. The indication will stay active until the next arming, but can be 

cleared manually after entry in memory events review menu on the BRAVO 

panel and introducing a manager or user code:


 on BRAVO panel - Manager or User code - 

User Programming


The programming is accessible when the system is disarmed!

Address Description




Changing own code.






Set, change, delete User code 1.




Set, change, delete User code 2.



Set, change, delete User code 3.



Set, change, delete User code 4.



Set, change, delete User code 5.



Set, change, delete User code 6.



Enable/Disable Trouble Sounds 

signalization of the keyboard. 






Keyboard buzzer sound volume (1-9).

Set “0” to disable the sound volume.



Keyboard backlight intensity (1-9). 

Set “0” to disable the backlight activation. 5

How to change own code

This setting is accessible for all type access codes: Engineer, Manager, User. 

To change your own code, enter in sequence:

Code - # - 00 -  +

+  are blinking – enter new code – # 

For exit press “X” button.

How to set a new User code 

This setting is accessible with Manager access code only. The presence of a 

set code for a User is indicated with a blinking 

 icon – see “How to change 

a user code”. 

To set a new code for User 1 (in the example), enter in sequence: 

Manager code - # - 01 -  +

 are blinking - enter code – #

For exit press “X” button.

How to change a user code 

This setting is accessible with Manager access code only. 

To change the code for User 1 (in the example), enter in sequence: 

Manager code - # - 01 -  +

 +  are blinking – enter new code – #

For exit press “X” button.

How to delete a user code 

This setting is accessible with Manager access code only. 

To delete the code for User 1 (in the example), enter in sequence: 

Manager code - # - 01 -  +

 +  are blinking – press and hold “0” 

button to delete the code - 3 short beeps will confirm the operation 

At next entry at address 01, only icons   +

 are blinking, which means no 

code combination for User 1 is set. For exit press “X” button.

How to disable Trouble Sounds signalization of BRAVO KBD

This setting is accessible for all type access codes: Engineer, Manager, User. 

The Trouble sounds signalization from BRAVO KBD keyboard is Enabled by 

default. The option is disabled when is indicated with a blinking 

 icon at 

address 20. 

To disable the Trouble sound signalization, enter in sequence:

Code - # - 20 -  +

 are blinking - press any key - 


+  are blinking -  # 

For exit press “X” button.

How to change the buzzer sound level of BRAVO KBD

This setting is accessible for all type access codes: Engineer, Manager, User. 

The buzzer sound level can be set in range from 1 (lowest) to 9 (the highest). 

The buzzer sound can be entirely muted with setting 0 (no sound).

To change the buzzer sound level, enter in sequence:

Code - # - 21 -  +

 are blinking – set sound level 1-9  -  # 

For exit press “X” button.

How to change the intensity backlight of buttons of BRAVO KBD

This setting is accessible for all type access codes: Engineer, Manager, User. 

The backlight intensity of the digit buttons can be set in range from 1 (lowest) 

to 9 (the highest). The backlight can be entirely turned off with setting 0.

To change the intensity of the backlight of the buttons, enter in sequence:

Code - # - 22 -  +

 are blinking - set intensity 1-9 -  # 

For exit press “X” button.

Direct entry into “Device enrollment” mode with BRAVO KBD

For direct entry into the “Device enrollment” mode of BRAVO panel, enter in 


Engineer code - # - the panel is in “Device enrollment” mode

For exit press “X” button of the keyboard.

Changing Batteries

It is recommended first to bypass the keyboard from the panel. Then remove 

the cover of the battery compartment and change the batteries with new ones. 

After that de-bypass the keyboard from the panel. 

18021103, RevA, 06/2021
