Protocol Control
MWI Subscribe
Disable: the phone prohibits MWI function. Even if it receives a
NOTIFY from server that there is a new voice mail, the phone will
not have a prompt.
Enable(Subscribe): the phone enables MWI function and will send
SUBSCRIBE. If it receives a NOTIFY from server that there is a new
voice mail, the MWI LED on phone will blink to give a prompt.
Enable(No Subscribe): the phone enables MWI function but will not
send SUBSCRIBE. If it receives a NOTIFY from server that there is
a new voice mail, the MWI LED on phone will also blink to give a
Local SIP Port
Set the No. of local SIP port. The default is 5060.
Local RTP Port
Set the No. of local RTP port. The default is 20000.
Keep Alive Packet
Will you keep alive packet or not?
Keep Alive Period
Keep alive interval. The default is 60S.
Select DTMF mode in 3 options: “RFC2833”, “In band” and “SIP
Info”. The default isRFC2833.
DTMF out of band detection mode: signal=*/# or signal=10/11
DNS Type
DNS type: A request, DNS SRV,NAPTR+SRV
Jitter Buffer Max
The jitter buffer maximum. The default is 150.
Anonymous Call Pejection
Will the anonymous call be rejected? The default is disable (namely
no reject).
Session Switch
Will the session switch be turned on?
Session Time(Min=90S)
Set the session time. The default is 1800S.
Temporary recovery confirmation. Ensure the reliable transfer of
response of 1XX in SIP.
Support Update Method
Supports the update method.
The relocation port has penetrated NAT
Sip Transport
SIP transfer protocol: UDP/TCP/TLS
SIP call address uses SIP/SIPS
The safe real-time transfer protocol mode: Optional/Mandatory
4.3.2 Audio Setting
You can adjust the volume of microphone and handsetin the page, set the codec.