3.5 Advance
3.5.1 DHCP Server
DHCP server manage page.
User may trace and modify DHCP server information in this page.
DHCP Lease Table
display the IP
MAC corresponding table that the server
Lease Table Name:
Lease table name.
Start IP:
Start IP of lease table.
End IP:
End IP of lease table. Network device connecting to the 3300IP-TRM LAN
port can dynamic obtain the IP in the range between start IP and end IP.
Lease Time:
DHCP server lease time.
Netmask of lease table.
Default gateway of lease table
default DNS server of lease table.
DNS Relay:
enable DNS relay function.
User may use below setting to add a new lease table.
Notice: This setting won’t take effect unless you save the config and reboot
the device