08354B DCN7877
Teledyne API T640 PM Mass Monitor
3. Click on “Calibrate Touch” and a crosshair appears in the center of the display
A timer function is enabled, allowing only 15
seconds to start the calibration process. If the
timer expires, the instrument will exit the
calibration screen and return to normal operation.
4. Click the very center of the crosshair.
5. When a new crosshair appears in the upper left corner of the screen, carefully
and accurately click and hold the very center of that crosshair until it finishes
shrinking, then release.
6. Repeat Step 5 for each of the corners.
7. Once the process is completed, a CANCEL and an ACCEPT button appear in
the lower left corner: Test the accuracy of the calibration by touching parts of
the screen and see that the mouse pointer follows your touches.
8. If you press the CANCEL button, the calibration won’t be altered. Otherwise,
press the ACCEPT button.
If any difficulties with the display screen persist, contact TAPI Technical Support:
[email protected] / 800-324-5190