Operator’s Manual Simple AFG Application
The T3AWG2152 instrument, when used in Arbitrary Function Generator mode, has two/four
independent analog channels. Each channel can generate a predefined waveform, or a user defined
waveform loaded from a file.
Any characteristic parameter of the selected waveform can be modified at runtime. For example, if a
pulse waveform is selected it is possible to define at runtime its amplitude, offset, frequency, duty cycle
and the duration of leading and trailing edge.
Run Mode
The instrument can be used in different run modes, each one providing different characteristics:
the selected waveform is generated continuously until the RUN/STOP button is
allows to select among different type of modulation. The modulating source can be
a predefined waveform or a user defined waveform loaded from a file.
changes the frequency during time following a defined profile. It is possible to choose
different sweep profiles: linear, logarithmic, upstairs and user defined.
generates a defined or infinite number of waveform periods starting after the reception
of a trigger signal. The gated mode runs the selected waveform only when the trigger is true.