Sentinel V SC and RT Operation Manual
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Page 193
Bottom Track Commands
The Sentinel V RT system uses these commands for bottom-tracking applications. Bottom track com-
mands tell the Sentinel V RT to collect speed-over-bottom data and detected range-to-bottom data. If the
Sentinel V RT were facing UP, all bottom-track information would apply to the surface boundary instead
of the bottom boundary. The default state of bottom tracking is OFF (BP0) for Sentinel V RT systems. To
turn ON the bottom-tracking process, send a BP1 command.
Bottom Track is a feature upgrade for Sentinel V Real-Time systems. For an instrument to be
able to Bottom Track, the feature must be installed (see
Sentinel V Real-Time systems with Bottom Track enabled firmware installed, are controlled
under ‘Category 6 – Sensors and Lasers’ section 6A001 of the Commerce Control List (CCL) by
the U.S. Department of Commerce. These products are controlled and require an U.S.
Department of Commerce Export License for shipment into certain countries. For any sale,
resale, export, or re-export of these Goods, both Seller and Buyer must comply with all
applicable U.S. export licensing requirements.
Available Bottom Track Commands
This section lists the available Bottom Track commands.
Available Commands:
BA 020 ------------------ Amplitude Threshold [0..255]
BC 220 ------------------ Correlation Threshold [0..255]
BE 1000 ----------------- Error Velocity Threshold [0..9999] mm/s
BF 00000 ---------------- Manual Fixed Alt (dm) [0=Auto]
BP 0 -------------------- Number of BT Pings in ensemble [0..999]
BX 01250 ---------------- Max Altitude (dm)
B? ---------------------- Display B-Command Menu
*** CAUTION: These commands are reserved for RDI use
and may not be currently supported!
Available Commands:
#BB 0005 ---------------- Blanking distance [0..65535] cm
#BH 105,185 ------------- Gain Switch Threshold (0-255cnts:lo;hi)
#BI 010 ----------------- Gain Switch Altitude [0..999] m
#BY 20 ------------------ Transmit Length [0..100] (% of alt)
#B? --------------------- Display #B-Command Menu