Model 458-LM-E2-36 Local Loop Simulator Rev -
Page 4-11
Keypad Controls
Up Arrow: increase slot/channel number
Down Arrow: decrease slot/channel number
Left Arrow: decrease length
Right Arrow: increase length
C: Config switch used to access second menu for communications settings such as
RS232 baud rates, GPIB addresses, etc.
Baud Rates: 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600
GPIB Addresses: 1 – 30
General example of usage
1. Turn on power. The LCD displays the chassis model (and firmware revision number on
the 458-3SL) and then displays the current board, channel, line length and connect
2. Turn rotary encoder 1 (458-2SL) or press the Up arrow (all others) to increment the
channel number for the current board and, when it reaches the final channel, display the
next board number.
3. Turn rotary encoder 2 (458-2SL) or press the Right arrow (all others) to increment the
allowable line length for a given board:channel combination. The connect mode displays
Allowable lengths (feet)
All Channels: 0 to 1,575 m in