P-Link WiFi / P-Link 0.3 WiFi Kit
The WiFi network generated from P-Link WiFi by default is not protected with any password. We strongly reccomend you
to conigure P-Link WiFi by adding a WiFi password. By doing so the user can prevent unauthorized access to his own
home network. You can find more details about how to perform such change in chapter 7.
6.1.2 Adding P-Link WiFi to an existent P-Link 0.2 network
If the user purchased P-Link WiFi (so in the product box you can find a single P-Link WiFi) and/or he wants to add P-Link
WiFi to an existent network with 1 or more P-Link 0.2 devices, please follow the procedure below:
If the powerline network is not encrypted
(that is if the user never pressed Security button on the P-Link 0.2 devices):
Simply connect P-Link WiFi to a power socket (in the same electrical system). In this way P-Link WiFi will be
completely working and it will be possible using the wifi network generated by P-Link WiFi.
If the powerline network is encrypted
(that is the user pressed Security button on all the P-Link 0.2 devices inside the
Connect P-Link WiFi to a power socket (in the same electrical system).
Press Security button on all P-Link 0.2 devices inside the network and on P-Link WiFi (within 2 minutes). In this
way the powerline network will be encrypted and P-Link WiFi will be added to that network.
The WiFi network generated from P-Link WiFi by default is not protected with any password. We strongly reccomend you
to conigure P-Link WiFi by adding a WiFi password. By doing so the user can prevent unauthorized access to his own
home network. You can find more details about how to perform such change in chapter 7.
Please remember that the maximum number of nodes supported by the powerline network is 8, that is 1 powerline
transmitter (the one connected to the modem/router) and 7 powerline receivers.
6.2 Usage of P-Link WiFi without any other powerline device
If the user purchased P-Link WiFi (so in the product box you can find a single P-Link WiFi) and/or he wants to use the
device in order to generate a WiFi network, please follow the procedure below:
Connect P-Link WiFi to your broadband modem/router by using the ethernet cable
Connect P-Link WiFi to a power socket
Now the device is fully operative and you can use the wireless network generated by P-Link WiFi. Please notice that the
default name of the WiFi network is
where XXXX represents the last 4 digits of MAC address of the
You can find the MAC address of the device on the back of the product itself.
Connection to
Link WiFi
Once finished the installation procedure explained in previous chapter, the user can choose if configuring some features
of P-Link WiFi device. In order to do this, P-Link WiFi has a complete web interface. In this section we will explain how to
access to the web interface of the device. As a reference we will report the procedure for Windows XP, Windows Vista
and 7. Please connect the P-Link WiFi to your own PC by using the ethernet cable. You can find the web interface of P-
Link WiFi at the address but you need to change the IP address of your PC in order to have the same
network segment of P-Link WiFi, that is you need to assign a static IP address as the following: 192.168.8.
(we will
assign to the PC the following IP address:
). The procedure is the following:
Windows XP
Go to
Control Panel
Network and Internet
Network Connections
Select LAN network, click with right mouse key and select
tab select
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
and click
button below
Write down the values in order to restore that values once
this procedure is completed.
Use the following IP address
and use those values:
IP address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Preferred DNS Server:
Alternate DNS Server:
Windows Vista/7
Go to
Control Panel
Network and Internet
view for Categories) ->
Network and Sharing Center
On “View your active network” you can find Local Area
Connection. Click on it and then on
Now select
Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
and then
click on
button below.
Write down the values in order to restore that values once
this procedure is completed.
Use the following IP address
and use those values:
IP address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Preferred DNS Server:
Alternate DNS Server:
Now your PC is configured in order to have access to the web interface of P-Link WiFi. You only need to open your
browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera or Internet Explorer) and digit the following address:
A popup window should appear and username and password will be asked. Default username and password are the
. Next section will give you more details on the features of P-Link WiFi you can configure.
If you face any issue in accessing the web interface or only for having more details about the procedure described above
you can visit this website:
. Here you can find more detailed procedures for
operating system such as windows (XP, Vista, 7 e 8) and Mac OS.
Once finished the configuration of P-Link WiFi, the user must restore the original settings of the local network in his own
PC for using internet (usually Obtain an IP address automatically).