TELE System - IoT
4.5 ave node management
GetMagic gateway is a Z-Wave Plus security enabled gateway. It can be included and operated in any Z-Wave
network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other manufacturers and/or other applications. All non-
battery operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability of
the network.
In order to add devices for inclusion in Z-Wave network, the user must hold down the first button (button 1)
from 1 to 5 seconds will open Z-Wave network. During this period the button LED will blink with rate of 1 second.
Alternatively, the user can use the “
Open network” functionality present at the mobile app. When the network is
open for inclusion, the LED will stop blinking and turn on. To add Z-Wave devices during this period, the user
must also pair the devices, according to their specific instructions related with the inclusion in the Z-Wave
networks. When Controller is included in GetMagic gateway this will initiate network information replication
from the GetMagic Gateway to the included controller.
The network is closed by holding down button from 5 to 10 seconds during which time the LED will blink with
1/4 second rate. When the network is closed, the LED will turn off.
Removing device for exclusion is available when button is hold down from 10 to 20 seconds during which time
the LED will blink at 1/10 second rate. Or optionally it can be done using mobile application from “
Home setup”.
To do it from mobile application press “
Home setup” option on main menu and open gateway options menu by
using long press on gateway icon. Press “
Edit” option and proceed to last step where device management is
done. On this screen select “Exclude device” option from settings menu in top right corner. The procedure for
removing controller device is the same as for other devices.
To enable GetMagic Gateway to receive information from another controller, start learn mode. To initiate learn
mode press and hold button 1 from 15 to 20 seconds. When controller enters learn mode it will lose all Z-Wave
devices that were previously included. Controller replication is implemented at minimum level and it is enabled
by placing the controller in the learn mode.
To include GetMagic Gateway to another controller network, start inclusion on the inclusion controller and start
Learn mode on GetMagic gateway by pressing and holding button 1 from 15 to 20 seconds. Controller will
ignore any basic command class commands from devices.
GetMagic Gateway supports Association Command Class. It implements one association group, which is Lifeline
group with grouping identifier equal to 1. This group returns Device Reset Locally notification when the device is
reset. Maximum number of devices that can be added to the group is 1. To control association, if the device
supports association, go to advanced view of the device. Click on Node ID field of the devices to associate and
Fig 2 Getmagic gateway setup