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Installation & 

Calibration Guide

Temperature Electronics Ltd. Unit 2, Wren Nest Road, Glossop SK13 8HB UK
T. +44 (0) 1457 865 635   F. +44 (0) 1457 868 843   E. [email protected]



8.  The monitor will display “Increase higher airflow sample” 

if the second sample value is too close to the first value 
entered, close the sash a little and repeat the higher 
sample. The minimum difference between the samples 
that the monitor will accept is 0.3m/sec (60fpm).

9.  The monitor will display “Sensor diff too low” if the 

monitor doesn’t detect any difference in the sensor 
output between the 2 airflow samples, check that the 
sensor hose is connected and repeat the calibration.

Calibration Tips

1.  Ensure that the sensor hose is connected correctly at the 

side wall and rear of the sensor.

2.  Ensure that the extract fan is running and the Fume 

Cupboard is balanced before calibrating the monitor.

3.  Take extra time (at least 15 to 20 seconds) to wait for the 

airflow to settle before capturing the airflow samples. 
This will minimize the chance of a calibration error due 
to turbulence or fluctuations.

4.  Avoid movement in front of the Fume Cupboard whilst 

calibrating the monitor.

5.  The Low and High air samples must be at least 0.3m/sec 

(60 fpm) apart to calibrate the monitor. This is to avoid 
inaccuracy in the calibration sue to insufficient difference 
between the samples. The minimum difference can 
be changed in the “Low High diff” parameter in the Cal 
Config menu.

6.  Do not use fully open and fully closed sash positions for 

the calibration points, the recommended positions are 
normal operating height (e.g. 500mm 20”) for the first 
sample and approximately half the sash opening (e.g. 
250mm 10”) for the second sample.

7.  If the Fume Cupboard is under separate VAV control 

then a different set up may be required to achieve 
the airflow difference required for calibration. Normal 
extract for the low sample and Purge for the high sample 
may be used.



Check for

No LED’s, 
Screen blank

Check the power supply is securely plugged into the monitor
Check the power supply is securely plugged into the mains power socket
Check that there is 15VDC power supply on the monitor terminals (broken wire or snagged cable sheath)

Sensor Error 

Check the sensor cable is securely plugged into the sensor
Check the sensor cable is securely plugged into the monitor
Replace the sensor
If Sensor Error message still displayed replace the sensor cable
If Sensor Error message still displayed replace the monitor

Audible alarm 
not working

Check for screen messages - if SETBACK is displayed the monitor has been remotely muted.
Check if alarm has been disabled in Cal Config menu
