Coherent optical signal generation system
The OM5110 is a key part of a coherent optical signal generation system.
The other major component is the signal generator itself. The Tektronix
PPG3000 series programmable pattern generators and theTektronix
AWG70000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG) offer the
flexibility to choose the type of signal generation instrument suited to the
test requirements.
The PPG3000 Series can generate patterns up to 32 Gb/s and offers 1, 2,
or 4 channels in a single instrument. The patterns may be standard PRBS
patterns or user-defined. Using a 4-channel pattern generator makes
creating dual-polarization I-Q waveforms very simple.
The AWG70000 Series can reach sampling rates as high as 50 GS/s with
10 bits vertical resolution. Such level of performance allows for the direct
generation of IQ basebands signals required by modern coherent optical
communication systems. The arbitrary waveform generation capabilities of
the AWG70000 Series makes it possible to create multi-level signals such
as 16QAM, add impairments to a signal, or to create waveforms that are
precompensated for the real-world effects of the test system.
Coherent optical signal generation is one of the more demanding
applications for an AWG. The requirements in terms of number of channels
sampling rate, bandwidth, record length, and timing and synchronization
quality can be only met by the highest performance instruments, such as
the Tektronix AWG70000 Series. The unique capability of generating ideal
or distorted signals and the ease to add new modulation schemes and
signal processing algorithms without the need to add any extra hardware
make AWGs an ideal tool for coherent optical communication research and
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