In this section:
Graphing .................................................................................. 7-1
Binning data with the Histogram ............................................... 7-5
The graphing features of the 2470 allow you to view your measurement data graphically. You can
compare up to four traces on the front panel of the instrument. You can manipulate the graph to view
minimums and maximums, view averages, determine deltas, and view the values of specific data
Setting up the Graph tab
When you start up the instrument, the Graph tab plots data from the active reading buffer as
measurements are made. You can change which data is displayed, how it is scaled, and what kinds
of triggers are used to generate measurements. These settings are changed on the Data, Scale, and
Trigger tabs.
Selecting the data to be plotted
The graph plots data from reading buffers. When you first open the Graph screen, the data from the
active reading buffer is plotted. You can change the buffer to display different data, or select multiple
buffers to display multiple traces on the graph. Each trace represents the data from one reading
buffer. You can select up to four buffers.
When you change the traces assigned to the graph, it also changes the traces assigned to the
histogram. Conversely, changing the traces for the histogram changes the traces assigned to the
Section 7