Section 7: High voltage capacitance measurements
Model 8010 High Power Device Test Fixture User's Manual
8010-900-01 Rev. C / March 2017
Software for performing HV C-V measurements
The multi-bias tee and multi-mode capability of the CVU-3K-KIT and the CVU-200-KIT allows you to
use the capacitance-voltage characterization over a wide variety of devices. ACS Basic Edition
software version 2.1 includes a large device test library and automatically controls the mode of the
bias tee with each test. For example, the software programs the bias tee mode to low DC current
leakage mode before measuring the Idss test of a FET. For Crss measurement of a power MOSFET,
the software programs the bias tee for off-state capacitance voltage mode.
Capacitance measurement test modules in ACS Basic include:
Generic_HVCV_Test (which can be used to measure capacitance measurement; up to 4 device
Power MOSFET capacitance tests (Ciss, Coss, Crss, Cgd, Cgs, and Cds)
PowerBJT capacitance tests (Cibo, Cobo, Ccb, Cce, and Ceb)
IGBT capacitance test (Cies, Coes, Cce, Cgc,, and Cge)
The following test modules demonstrate the software user interface (see the next graphics):
Perform open and short compensation (refer to
Optimizing cables and connections for high
(on page 3-26).
Perform two terminal (local sense) capacitance measurement using "Generic_HVCV_Test"
(which can be used to measure up to 4-terminal capacitance measurement.
Perform power MOSFET Ciss measurement tests using Ciss (note that Coss, Crss, Cgd, Cgs,
and Cds test modules are also available).
For more detailed information about this software, refer to the ACS Basic Reference manual
(document number: ACSBASIC-901-01).