Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
Section 2: General operation
707B-901-01 Rev. B / January 2015
GPIB quick start
Install the GPIB driver software
Check the documentation for your GPIB controller for information about where to acquire drivers.
Keithley Instruments also recommends that you check the website of the GPIB controller for the latest
version of drivers or software.
It is important that you install the drivers before you connect the hardware. This prevents associating
the incorrect driver to the hardware.
Install the GPIB cards in your computer
Refer to the documentation from the GPIB controller vendor for information about installing the GPIB
Connect the GPIB cable
To connect an instrument to the GPIB bus, use a cable equipped with standard IEEE-488 connectors,
as shown below.
Figure 28: GPIB connector
To allow many parallel connections to one instrument, stack the connectors. Each connector has two
screws to ensure that connections remain secure. The figure below shows a typical connection
diagram for a test system with multiple instruments.
Figure 29: IEEE-488 connections