In this section:
Cyclic Voltammetry .................................................................. 2-1
Cyclic Voltammetry
Cyclic Voltammetry, a type of potential sweep method, is the most commonly-used measurement
electrochemical technique.
In a Cyclic Voltammetry experiment, the working electrode potential is ramped linearly versus time.
The current that flows through the circuit is measured. The resulting I-V data provides important
electrochemical properties about the analyte under investigation.
You can make Cyclic Voltammetry measurements from the front panel of the instrument using the
Cyclic Voltammetry test application.
The Cyclic Voltammetry test application has adjustable parameter settings and enables real-time
graphing of a voltammogram on the display of the SMU potentiostat without using a computer. Test
parameters are input at source and measure setting screens that the user selects from an
application-specific menu. After the test executes, the data can be stored on a flash drive inserted in
the USB port on the front panel of the instrument.
The following topics describe how to set up and run the
test application.
To ensure proper instrument operation, the potential difference between the reference electrode
(RE) and counter electrode (CE) terminals and between the working electrode (WE) and working
electrode sense (WES) terminals should not exceed 5 V.
Section 2
Cyclic Voltammetry