Tektronix 7A17 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 5

Содержание 7A17

Страница 1: ...FORMATION AT THE REAR OF THIS MANUAL 7 17 A MPLI FIER I NST RU CTIO N MANU A L Tektronix Inc Box 500 Beaverton Oregon 97077 Serial Num ber COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE 070 1263 00 First Printi ng OCT 1971...

Страница 2: ...and price change privileges are reserved INSTRUMENT SERIAL NUMBERS Each instrument has serial number on pa6el insert tag or stamped on the chassis The first number or letter designates the country of...


Страница 4: ...ADD OCT 1983...

Страница 5: ...o rs may b e ach ieve d by u sing th e sold er pa d s p rovi d ed in t h e plug in and cu stom d esigning t h e POSITIO N R a n ge ci rc u it R efer to t h e A pp lication s section for su ggestions A...

Страница 6: ...re given on on e fol d out page located at th e rear of th e manual This page incl ud es Schematic diag rams s howi ng im por tant voltages co mpone nt val ues an d circuit nu mbe rs b oard pict ures...

Страница 7: ...2 for their locations 5 V 500 mA The fro nt su b pa nel of t he 7 17 is p re pu nched with 15 V 500 mA various size and sha pe holes to allow easy mounti ng of 15 V 500 m A switc hes indicators etc 5...

Страница 8: ...np ut of th e FE T amplifie r This circuit will avoi d p ossi ble damage to the FET Attenuato rs m ay be added to th is amplifier circu it fo r the pu rpose of obtaini n g d esi red deflection factor...

Страница 9: ...amp lifier h as an input resista n ce 1 mego h m R f e t 50 m V d iv Vr _ Vo V 200 0 25 mV D R2 1 m ego hm 0 25 250 kilo h m RI 1 m egohm 250 k ilo hm 750 kiloh m R2 250 kilohm 1 m ego hm 333 k 1 h m...

Страница 10: ...c urrent a nd 0 3 mA of col umn c urre nt location 3 of the to p word location ci rcled in Fig 5 37 4 k ilohm resisto r 15 volts 0 4 m A m ust be Plug in Plug in Plug in Plug in place d between TS 3 a...

Страница 11: ...ic currents Resistors assig nm e nt may be rated as low as 1 8 watt Ti meslot 111 2131 4 15161 7 1819110 R equi re d R esistor Tole ra nce C haracter I 1 S 1 lspacel 1 Curre nt V alue 0 1 m A 150 k 5...

Страница 12: ...T he filte r sh own in Fig 9 is to be connected in series with the Signal out put li nes A 11 and B 11 on the co nnector Small notches on the conductive run s lea di ng to 11 an d 11 are p rovide d as...
