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© 2010
D 527 - 08/10
Cooling Group Operation
Section B
In order to prevent heating and cooling at the same time, this thermostat can operate
together with other thermostats on a tN4 system to form a cool group.
In a cool group, one thermostat is assigned as the cool group master. The cool
group master operates the cooling equipment for the group. This thermostat can
be set to be a member of the cool group.
When operating as a cool group, the air temperature readings of all the cool group
member thermostats are communicated to the cool group master and a temperature
average is determined.
When the cool group master is in cooling operation, the cool group member
thermostats do not operate the heating system for air heating.
If the Set Room Heat temperature is adjusted while the cool group is cooling, the
snowflake icon is flashed to alert the user that the cooling is presently on. Once
the cooling shuts off, the heating can start operation.
This thermostat joins cool group number 1 when switch setting 3 is set to cool
member 1 (Off position).
Cool Group 1
tN2 Communication
Warm Weather Shut Down
When the outdoor air temperature exceeds the Warm Weather Shut Down (WWSD)
setting on the tekmarNet
reset control, the heating system is shut off.