Teel Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
Teel Mini Submersible Sump Pump
Possible Cause(s)
Corrective Action
Pump won’t
1. Blown fuse
1. If blown, replace with fuse of proper size
start or run
2. Low line voltage
2. If voltage under recommended minimum,
check size of wiring from main switch on
property. If OK, contact power company
3. Pump may be filled with
3. Remove pump base and clear of debris
mud or debris
or mud
Pump starts and
1. Low line voltage
1. If voltage under recommended minimum,
stops too often
check size of wiring from main switch on
property. If OK, contact power company
2. Long extension cords
2. Shorten extension cord
3. Clogged impeller
3. Remove pump base and clear of debris
or foreign material
4. Very low head or lift
4. Increase head or lift
5. Thermal protector kicking out
5. Put unit in at least 4” of water. Pump for
shorter time periods. Use larger pump
6. Corrugated hose used
6. Use hose with no corrugations. Flow will
increase because of decreased restriction
Pump operates,
1. Low line voltage
1. If voltage under recommended minimum,
but delivers little
check size of wiring from main switch on
or no water
property. If OK, contact power company
2. Fouled sediment screen
2. Clean
3. Pump airbound
3. Turn off pump for few seconds and then restart
4. Corrugated hose used
4. Use hose with no corrugations. Flow will
increase because of decreased restriction
Troubleshooting Chart