Sound adjuster
Black Plastic
5-3 Coin Selector Instructions
When the coin selector jammed,poking button as shown in the figure,coin
will be backed out.If no work,it need to take apart coin selector to get
the coin.
The use of electronic coin comparison instructions:
remove the plastic coin from the coin sample chute and put a proper coin in it.
remove the screws on the back of coin entrance. Adjust the fix chip of back of coin
entrance according to the diameter of coin you will use so that it will prevent the
large coin blocking the coin selector
C.Cooperating with the demand of ganme machine table,choose N.O
(normally open) with N.C (normally shut)’s changing.Except for
special machine which is marked,
N.O (normally open) is
generally used in the majority.
D. Cooperating with the demand of ganme machine table,Select the
length of COIN /
Speed three segment switch(TIMER SWITCH):
30MS is Short and fast signal,
suitable for the machine which
inserts coin quickly,50ms is middle-fast signal,
suitable for
common machine,(If none of special specifications,common
machine switch to this section),100ms is slow signal, suitable
for the amusement’s machine which don’t insert coin quickly.
The VR knob is for setting the sensitivity of token tolerance.
Clockwise: increasing the sensitivity of token tolerance, that is,
the range of accepting the token tolerance will be
larger.Counterclockwise: decrease the sensitivity, that is,