Reference Manual Rev 3.23
Software Versions 3.xx
Page 34
ED.LIN (Edit Linearisation Points)
(K302 Only)
Select to view linearisation setup and start linearisation routines. While
linearisation is in progress the display will show L.in P. Refer to ED.LIN (Edit
Linearisation Points) page 45 for more information.
CLR.LIN (Clear Linearisation Points)
(K302 Only)
Select to view linearisation setup and select linearisation points to clear. Refer
to CLR.LIN (Clear Linearisation) page 45 for more information.
DIR.ZER (Direct Zero Calibration)
Select to enter the mV/V value of the zero calibration directly. This feature is
used to enable approximate calibrations to be performed in situations where a
standard ZERO calibration is impractical (eg. calibration on a partially filled silo).
DIR.SPN (Direct Span Calibration)
Select to enter the mV/V value of the full scale capacity of the scale build. This
feature enables the instrument to be calibrated based on the rated output
capacity of the load cells rather than using test weights. The accuracy of this
method is limited to the accuracy of the published load cell ratings.
G.INST (Installation Gravity)
(K305 Only)
Select to enter the gravitational acceleration of the location at which the scale is
installed. Only necessary when using the Gravity Compensation feature.
Range 9.750 to 9.860
Default: 9.810
G.FAC (Factory Gravity)
(K305 Only)
Select to enter the gravitational acceleration of the location at which the scale is
calibrated. Only necessary when using the Gravity Compensation feature.
Range 9.750 to 9.860
Default: 9.810
G.FIRST (First powerup prompt)
(K305 Only)
Select to set the indicator to prompt the user to enter the Installation Gravity on
next powerup. Only necessary when using the Gravity Compensation feature.
Options ON, OFF
Default: OFF
FAC.CAL (Restore Default Factory Calibration)
Select this choice to restore default factory calibration. This restores all
calibration critical settings in the BUILD, OPTION and CAL menus back to
factory defaults. The instrument will prompt with Cont. N. Press <EDT> to
change to Cont. Y and <OK> to continue. If Cont. Y is chosen and then <OK>
or <ITM> is pressed, the instrument will display DONE to indicate that the
operation has been completed.