Reference Manual Rev 3.23
Software Versions 3.xx
Page 45
8.3.1. ED.LIN (Edit Linearisation Points) (K302 only)
Press the <SEL> key to step through the list of points. Each point is shown as
Ln.ppp where n is the point number (1 to 10), and ppp is the approximate
percentage of full scale where the linearisation is applied. For example, L1.050
indicates that linearisation point one is active and was entered at about 50% of
full scale. Unused linearisation points are shown with a row of dashes (eg. L2. -
- -).
Press <OK> to change the linearisation point selected or press <ITM> to exit
without making any changes.
After pressing <OK>, the current weight reading is displayed. Add the calibration
test mass to the scale. The closer the test mass is to the point of maximum
error in linearity the more effective will be the correction. Press <OK> to enter a
corrected weight value for this point or <ITM> to exit without making changes.
Use the <SEL> and <EDT> keys to enter the correct value of the calibration weight
being used.
Press the <OK> key to trigger the Linearisation routine. The display will show L.in
P to show that linearisation is in progress. When the process is complete the
display will show the weight to allow the new weight reading to be checked
before returning to the menus. Press <ITM> to leave the routine or <OK> to
repeat the operation.
8.3.2. CLR.LIN (Clear Linearisation) (K302 only)
Press the <SEL> key to step through the list of points. Each point is shown as
Ln.ppp where n is the point number (1 to 10), and ppp is the approximate
percentage of full scale where the linearisation is applied. For example, L1.050
designates that linearisation point one is active and was entered at about 50%
of full scale. Unused linearisation points are shown with a row of dashes (eg.
L2. - - -).
Press <OK> to choose the linearisation point to clear. The indicator will prompt to
continue with CONT. N. Press <EDT> to switch between Cont. N (No) and
Cont. Y (Yes). The <OK> key is used to accept your choice. When Cont. Y
has been chosen the cleared linearisation point then displays (eg. L1. - - -).
Press <ITM> to return to CLR.LIN.
Note: All linearisation points are cleared by restoring the default calibration of the
instrument. The zero and span settings are also cleared by this process.
8.4. Using Gravity Compensation (K305 only)
To make use of this feature, the gravitational acceleration of the factory (G.FAC)
and the installation location (G.INST) must be known. The indicator uses these 2
settings to compensate for the change in gravitational acceleration between
The following procedure can be used when a scale is to be calibrated at one
location and then installed at a different location.
1. Set the factory gravitational acceleration (G.FAC) to that of the location the
scale is being calibrated at.
2. Perform a Zero and Span calibration. Note: When a Zero or Span calibration
is performed the G.INST setting is reset to equal G.FAC.