p. 6
DMX Mode
Select the Addr menu, press the ENTER key to confirm. Then
use the initial address code DOWN/UP button to set this light
(A001 ~ A512). Once you have set your initial address code,
press ENTER to define and save. Not to make any changes,
wait a minute to automatically exit the menu and save. The
main menu, please press the MENU button.
Channel selection mode
Select the Chnd menu, press the ENTER key to determine.
To use the DOWN/UP button to channel mode: 5Ch (5 Chan-
nel).9Ch (9 Channels) mode. Select the desired channel
mode, press ENTER to determine and save. Not to make any
changes, wait a minute to automatically exit the menu and
save. The main menu, please press the MENU button.
Master/Slave mode
Select the SLnd menu, press the ENTER key to confirm. To
use the DOWN/UP key set of Master-Slave mode need: NASt
(Master). SL 1 (Slave 1). SL 2 (Slave 2) mode. Select the de-
sired mode, press ENTER to determine and save. Not to make
any changes, wait a minute to automatically exit the menu
and save. The main menu, please press the MENU button.
Performance mode
Select the Shnd menu, press the ENTER key to determine.
To use the DOWN/UP button to Performance mode: SoUo
(Sound).CoLo (color).StCo (Strobe).Fade (Gradient) mode.
Select the desired mode, press ENTER to determine and
save. Not to make any changes, wait a minute to automati-
cally exit the menu and save. The main menu, please press
the MENU button CoLo (color) Co1 ~ Co12 12 program mode,
use the DOWN/UP button to select the desired mode, press
ENTER to determine and save. Not to make any changes,
wait a minute to automatically exit the menu and save. The
main menu, please press the MENU button StCo (STROBE)
have 0 ~ 255 to adjust the speed, use the DOWN/UP button
to select the desired speed, according to ENTER, determine
and save. Not to make any changes, wait a minute to auto-
matically exit the menu and save. The main menu, please
press the MENU button Fade (Gradient) SP1 ~ SP8 8 fade
speed selection, use the DOWN/UP button to select the gra-
dient speed required, according to ENTER, determine and
save. Not to make any changes, wait a minute to automati-
cally exit the menu and save. The main menu, please press
the MENU button.
Backlight mode
Select the LED menu, press the ENTER key to determine.
Then use the DOWN/UP button to set the backlight mode: ON
(Open).OFF (Close). Select the desired mode, press ENTER to
determine and save. Not to make any changes, wait a minute
to automatically exit the menu and save. The main menu,
please press the MENU button.
Show positive and negative direction
Select the dISP menu, press the ENTER key to determine. To
use the DOWN/UP button to display mode: dISP (positive).
DSIP (reverse). Select the desired mode, press ENTER to de-
termine and save. Not to make any changes, wait a minute
to automatically exit the menu and save. The main menu,
please press the MENU button.
Manual mode
Select the NAnu menu, press the ENTER key to determine. To
use the DOWN/UP button to display mode: Red (red), Gree
(green), Blue (blue) and Ublt (white). Select the desired mode,
press ENTER to determine and save. Not to make any changes,
wait a minute to automatically exit the menu and save. The
main menu please press the MENU button Red (red) with 0 to
255 using the DOWN/UP button to brightness press ENTER to
define and save. Not to make any changes, wait a minute to
automatically exit the menu and save. The main menu please
press the MENU button Gree (green) with 0 to 255 using the
DOWN/UP button to brightness press ENTER to define and
save. Not to make any changes, wait a minute to automat-
ically exit the menu and save. The main menu please press
the MENU button Blue (blue) with 0 to 255 using the DOWN/
UP button to brightness press ENTER to define and save. Not
to make any changes, wait a minute to automatically exit the
menu and save. The main menu please press the MENU button
Ublt (white) with 0 to 255 using the DOWN/UP button to bright-
nessm press ENTER to define and save. Not to make any chang-
es, wait a minute to automatically exit the menu and save. The
main menu please press the MENU button Ambe (amber) with
0 to 255 using the DOWN/UP button to brightnessm press EN-
TER to define and save. Not to make any changes, wait a min-
ute to automatically exit the menu and save.
Select the Test menu, press the ENTER key to determine. The
machine will start automatically detect color. Not to make
any changes, wait a minute to automatically exit the menu
and save. The main menu, please press the MENU button
English Version