P. 8
Tecshow Link WI-R & WI-T |
together and sent to Link Wi-R output. When
releas the key, L input and R input will work in
Stereo mode and Stereo signal for Wi-R output.
Peak LED:
Clip LED indicators of input signal
level. When the LED illumintes, it means that
input signal will be clipped.
AC input:
This connection is where you connect
the supplied external AC power supply.
Audio output connector:
Connector for output
Antenna for receiver:
Receive signal from the
transmitter. To receive the signal better, please
make sure the antenna was not sheltered.
Ampro guarantee the normal operation of the prod
uct against any defect of manufacture and/or vice
of material, by the term of (12) months, counted as
of the date of purchase on the part of the user, com
mitting itself to repair or to change, to its election,
without position some, ant piece or component
that will fail in normal conditions of use within the
mentioned period.
This guarantee is valid if the original buyer will have
to present/display this certificate properly sealed
and signed by the sller house, accompained by the
corresponding invoice of purchase where it con
sisted the model and serial number of the acquired
The guarantee doed not cover:
Damages caused by the illegal use of the prod-
uct, repair and/or nonauthorized modification
conducted by people by Ampro.
Damaged caused by the connection of the
equipment to other equipment different from
the specified ones in th menual of use, or by
bad connection to these last ones.
Damages caused by electrical storms, blows
and/or incorrect transport.
Damages caused by excesses or falls of tension
in the network of by connection to networks
with a tension different from the required one
by the unit.
Damaged caused by the presence of sand, acid
of batteries, water, or any strange element
inside the equipment.
Deteriorations produced by the course of the
time, use and/or normal wear of the unit.
Alteration or absence of the serial number of
factory of the equipment.
The repais could only be carried out the authorized
technical service by Ampro, that will inform about
the term and other details into the repairs to take
place according to this guarantee.
Ampro, will repair this unit in counted a term non
greater to 30 days as of date of entrance of the unit
to the Technical Service. In those cases in that due
to the particularitity of the spare part, outside nec
essary their import, the repair time and the viabil-
ity of the same one will be subject to the effective
norms of the import of parts, in which case one will
inquire to the used about the term and possibility
into repair.
With the object of its correct operation, and of the
validity of this one guarantee, this product will have
to be installed and to be used according to the in-
structions that are detailed in the manual associate
or the package os the product.
This unit will be able to appear for its repair, next to
the invoice of purchase (or any other proof where
the date of purchase consists), to its authorized dis-
tributer Ampro or and authorized technical center
English version