GW 6000 Administrative Guide
System Features
3.29 PSTN Backup
In case of power failure, GW6000 automatically switches the first PSTN line to the
Single-line analog phone. The other PSTN lines are not supported.
3.30 Registration
The IG combines Proxy and Registrar servers in its application. For a Registrar server, it
acts as the front end to the location service for a domain, reading and writing mappings
based on the contents of REGISTER requests. The location service is then typically
consulted by a Proxy server.
3.31 Remote Management via PC
Programming the IG system database is possible via PC. IG build-in a web server for
remote administration.
3.32 System Time & Date
The IG system provides a built-in time clock to track System Time for reference in
certain features such as System Night Service Mode Change. This clock has the ability
to automatically adjust with network NTP server through Internet.
3.33 Toll Restriction
GW6000 provides sophisticated monitoring of digits dialed on PSTN/IP Trunks. If a digit
or range of digits dialed on a Trunk line is inconsistent with the dialing extension’s COS,
the call is denied. This calling COS criteria can be applied to local calls, long distance
calls, and specific numbers that are considered allowed in areas where other numbers
may be restricted.
3.34 Transfer
Transfer is used to deliver calls at your extension to another extension. It means that
calls can be routed to IG system destinations: an extension or an outside phone number.
3.35 Trunk Group
System assigns each PSTN Trunk and IP Trunk to a specific Trunk Group. Each Trunk
can be assigned to only one Trunk Group. The Trunk group assignment is used for
Trunk pool access.
If setting some PSTN trunks and some IP trunks into the same Trunk Group, the trunk
access depends on the access priority.
System provides up to 4 Trunk Groups. All PSTN Trunks and IP Trunks are assigned to
default Trunk Group 1 and PSTN Trunks has higher access priority.
3.36 Wizard Setup
Wizard Setup allows system administrator to select the appropriate mode and configure
the corresponding settings step by step to create a basic GW6000 operation.
The following eight operation setting items are supported
WAN Setting
LAN Setting
Wireless Basic
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