Operation menu
The Operation menu, includes several system configuration functions for both online and offline setup.
The following explains the details of each function.
Monitor – Online function for runtime monitor and editing when connected to a controller
Simulator – Offline function for testing and debugging a program.
Run-Stop-Quit – Mode change selections for both runtime editing and simulation mode.
Read-Write – Reading and writing programs to and from a connected PLR.
RTC Set – Online function for setup of the Real-time clock/calendar (see dialog below)
Password – Set a password for accessing the current program after upload to the PLR
Language – Change software language
Module System Set – Dialog for changing important system setup functions including Module ID,
Remote I/O preferences, Expansion I/O settings, and Retentive memory preferences (Keeping) for (C )
Counters, (M) Auxiliary Coils, and the LCD Backlight.
Online Monitoring/Editing
The SG2 Client software allows for online monitoring of the currently running program during runtime.
Additional online functions include, I/O forcing, and Mode changes (Run/Stop/Quit).
Note: The SG2 Client software does not support runtime logic editing changes. All logic edits to contacts, coils,
timers/counters, and circuit connecting lines must be written to the connected PLR while in Stop mode.
Chapter 3: Program Tools
SG2 PLR User Manual