Twinband wl - Ver. 0.1 - 09/2014
Ver. 0.1 - 09/2014 - Twinband wl
is a wireless passive infrared detector with programmable pulse count.
Power supply of the detector is guaranteed by a long-life lithium battery. The detector is equipped
with an anti-reflex fresnel lens and the models with wide angle, long range or curtain lens provide a
lens in the lower part (look down) for creep zone protection. It is available with a PET lens for areas
where pets are circulating. The lens excludes the detection of animals up to a maximum weight of
Models available:
TWINBAND WL/V - wide angle lens, 14m range (item no. F102TWINBAND/V)
TWINBAND WL/C - long range lens, 22m range (item no. F102TWINBAND/C)
TWINBAND WL/T - curtain lens, 22m range (item no. F102TWINBAND/T)
TWINBAND WL/PET - wide angle PET lens, 17m range (item no. F102TWINBAND/PE)
The detector has to be mounted at 2 to 2.5 meters height on a solid surface, in a protected
place that is, however, easily accessible for the checkup and replacement of the battery.
Install it in a way that a possible intruder crosses the beams perpendicularly.
Avoid mounting above radiators, refrigerators or air conditioners.
Do not direct the detector towards windows with direct sunlight and avoid the presence of pets.
Tilt the detector so as to obtain the best coverage of the zone to be protected.
After connecting the battery and closing the casing, it takes the detector approximately
120 seconds to be ready to work.
The jumpers JP1 and JP2 permit setting of the pulse count, i.e. the number of pulses (from 1 to 3)
which the infrared detector must detect before the alarm is released. For the versions with long
range and curtain lenses, the pulse count mut be set at 1 pulse.
After the transmission of an alarm signal, the detector is inhibited and does not detect any other
events for approx. 3 minutes. This function is to avoid continuous alarm signaling. After this period
of time, the detector is activated again.
At least once per hour, the detector transmits a test signal to the control panel to signal smooth
functioning (supervision).
To put the detector into the test mode open the casing by removing the cover and press the test
button. The test mode is active for approx. 5 minutes, on expiry of which the detector returns
automatically to normal functioning. The counter can be reset by pressing the test button again. If
during the test the casing is closed, the test mode remains however active until the end of the
5 minutes. All the transmissions are made with reduced power in order to check the transmission
quality in critical conditions. In the test mode, the alarm stand-by function is always deactivated.
On pressing of the test button, the detector transmits the proper ID code.
N.B. Verify that the wireless zone has been programmed properly and the control panel has been
put into the wireless device learning mode.
Battery test
The battery charge is checked during each wireless transmission. If voltage is below the minimum
level for the 4th time in succession, low battery is signalled.
N.B. The lithium battery is non rechargeable.
Detection test
On each crossing of one of the infrared beams, the green DL4 LED is lit. If the programmed
number of impulses is reached (see paragraph 3), the DL4 LED blinks twice to signal that the alarm
is signaled to the control panel.
Portata in funzione dell'altezza di montaggio e della posizione della scheda / Portée en fonction de
l'hauteur de fixation et de la position de la carte / Range according to mounting height and board
position / Alcance en base de la altura de fijación y de la posición de la placa / Reichweite je nach
Montagehöhe und Position der Platine
N.B. Le portate sono state misurate a una temperatura ambiente
di 20°C e con una lente volumetrica. / Les portées ont été
mesurées à une température ambiante de 20°C et avec une
lentille volumétrique. / The ranges have been measured at 20°C
ambient temperature and with a wide angle lens. / Los alcances
se han medido a una temperatura ambiente de 20°C y con una
lente volumétrica. / Die Reichweiten wurden bei 20°C
Raumtemperatur gemessen und mit einer Weitwinkellinse.
N.B. Nei modelli con lente corridoio o tenda entrambi i ponticelli devono essere disinseriti (1 impulso). / Sur les modèles avec lentille couloir
ou rideau les deux cavaliers doivent être enlevés (1 impulsion). / For the models with long range or curtain lens both jumpers must be
removed (1 impulse). / En los modelos con lente pasillo o cortina ambos puentes deben estar desconectados (1 impulso). / Für die Modelle
mit Korridor- oder Vorhanglinse müssen beide Jumper offen sein (1 Impuls).