- 4. Copy contacts: copy all the entries from the phone to the card1, card2 ;
copy all the entries form the card to the phone, or copy all the entries form the
card1 to card 2; or vice versa.
- 5. Move contacts: move all the entries from the phone to the card1, card2 ;
copy all the entries form the card to the phone, or copy all the entries form the
card1 to card 2 or vice versa.
- 6. Delete all contacts: Select to delete all the contacts from SIM card or from
the phonebook.
3.2 Messages
1.Write message
Enter in to write message. You can enter short message.
- Complete: select the entry to stand for finishing keying message and you can
take the next steps.
Send : to send the message, select to get into recipients and you can enter
the phone number or look from the phonebook and select the receiver’s phone
number. Enter confirm to send.
Input method: change the input method.
Writing language:
Select Need writing language.
Advanced: In this option
you can do the following.
- Insert number: add numbers from the phonebook.
- Insert name: add names from the phonebook
- Insert bookmark: add bookmark from services
Save: save it into the Drafts.