P92 Echo Super
Maintenance Manual
2 Descriptions & General Characteristics
The Echo Super is an all metal, high wing, two-place, single-engine airplane equipped with tricycle landing gear. It is an
ASTM compliant airplane designed to be flown by sport pilot rated pilots as well as higher rated pilots.
This aircraft is designed and built in Italy and as such, was built using the metric system. Therefore, the primary numbers
are in metric and the US conversion is in parenthesis for your information.
Figure 2-1 shows a Three View drawing of the aircraft while tables below report main technical features and dimensions.
The Maintenance Manual contains the following sections:
1. Introduction
2. General
3. Inspection and Servicing
4. Airframe
5. Powerplant
6. Systems
7. Markings and Placards
2.1 Certification Basis
This aircraft complies with ASTM standards and is certificated as a Special Light Sport Aircraft.
Figure 2-1 General Views
Revision Date: 10-29-2007
Revision Number: 3.01