Sirio HH
Use and maintenance manual
Page 11 of 28
Instruction n°
- Rev.
of 06/07/2016
Copyright © 2016 Tecmec S.r.l.
Translated from the original instructions
The equipment are packed in special cardboard boxes and transported on pallets.
Each box is labeled with: type of module, code, production order.
The identification label with the symbols, and the risks and residual risks is located on the front side of the
motor module panel.
In case of needs to move an operating equipment please follow the below points:
Always operate by following the instruction provided by existing accident prevention regulation.
Remove the shelf's, and place all the colorants cans in a appropriated place.
Place the dispenser on a pallet.
Move the pallets with appropriated means to the new destination.
Install the equipment by following the instructions.
For obvious safety reason it is forbidden to move the assembled equipment.
For movement over long distance, the equipment MUST be packed and secured on pallets, as
when it was delivered.