User’s Guide of SSD1963 Eval Rev2A
Doc. version 1.0b 8
Feb 2010
Under the Project Workspace at the left panel, double-click on HardwareProfile.h
for panel selection. Select the panel you want to use by leaving only one option
under __PIC32MX__ section.
Figure 7.4 gives an example for the hardware platform PIC24/32 EVAL Rev2C
(_PIC_EVK_V2C_), with 16-bit PMP interface (_16PMP), for SSD1963 (_SSD1963),
and 7” TFT Panel (_TY700).
Finally, under
, select
Build All
to make sure the project can be compiled
without any problem. You are now ready to play with the demo.
Figure 7.4
Under HardwareProfile.h select the panel to use