Technosoft 2020
iPOS80x0 BX-CAN/-CAT Technical Reference
3.4.10 Recommendations for EtherCAT Wiring (for CAT drives)
a) Build EtherCAT® network using UTP (unshielded twisted pair) cables rated CAT5E or higher (CAT6, etc.).
Cables with this rating must have multiple characteristics, as described in TIA/EIA-568-B. Among these are:
impedance, frequency attenuation, cross-talk, return loss, etc.
b) It is acceptable to use STP (shielded twisted pair) or FTP (foil twisted pair) cables, rated CAT5E or higher
(CAT6, etc.). The added shielding is beneficial in reducing the RF (radio-frequency) emissions, improving the
EMC emissions of the application.
c) The maximum length of each network segment must be less than 100 meters.
d) The network topology is daisy-chain. All connections are done using point-to-point cables. The global topology
can be one of the two:
Linear, when the J7 / OUT port of the last drive in the chain remains not connected. Master is connected to
J6 / IN port of the first drive; J7 / OUT of the first drive is connected to J6 / IN of the following drive; J7 / OUT
of the last drive remains unconnected.
for a visual representation of the linear topology.
Ring, when the J7 / OUT port of the last drive in the chain is connected back to the master controller, on the
2nd port of the master. This topology consists of the linear topology described above, plus an extra
connection between the master, which has two RJ45 ports, to J7 / OUT of the last drive.
for a visual representation of the ring topology.
e) Ring topology is preferred for its added security, since it is insensitive to one broken cable / connection along
the ring (re-routing of communication is done automatically, so that to avoid the broken cable / connection)
It is highly recommended to use qualified cables, assembled by a specialized manufacturer. When using
CAT5E UTP cables that are manufactured / commissioned / prepared on-site, it is highly recommended to
check the cables. The check should be performed using a dedicated Ethernet cable tester, which verifies more
parameters than simple galvanic continuity (such as cross-talk, attenuation, etc.). The activation of “Link”
indicators will NOT guarantee a stable and reliable connection! This can only be guaranteed by proper quality
of cables used, according to TIA/EIA-568-B specifications.
Figure 3.26.
EtherCAT wiring
Figure 3.27.
EtherCAT network linear topology
Figure 3.28.
EtherCAT network ring topology