Drivers are available in the TS-Linux distribution to support USB flash drives. One
can load Debian OS with two scripts provided by the on-board flash TS-Linux file
system. First, invoke /usr/bin/loadUSBModules.sh, then run the script
/usr/bin/loadUSB.sh to chroot into the Debian OS.
3.3 Glue Logic CPLD
The TS-72XX ARM SBC's include a CPLD (a Xilinx 9572 on TS-7200 and TS-7250, or an
Altera MAXII on TS-7260) which is responsible for taking control over the internal
components communication through glue logic implementation. For instance, the CPLD is
used to control the NAND flash through internal registers configuration.
The CPLD handles control signals on the PC104 bus, has a watchdog timer, enables
jumper settings reading, handles the reset button, interfaces to the real-time clock and
controls the EEPROM chip select. It also implements peripheral features that, together
with EP9302 modules, makes available an advanced set of communication ports, DIO
pins, ADC converters, and others.
The inclusion of a CPLD on the SBC
allows customized programming for customers with
special needs, without having to do a more expensive board redesign. For example, the
MAXII CPLD on the TS-7260 can be configured with three different cores:
2TTLCOM option: 2 extra TTL-only serial ports with TX enable signals and that
includes a very simple GPIO core (data direction register and data register only).
TS-XDIO option: uber-GPIO that can do quadrature, PWM, freq-counter, pulse timing,
IRQ and DRQ, etc
SDSOCKET option: a special core for a SD interface that requires a special Linux
driver module to be of use.
The CPLD can be programmed using the JTAG header and special software/hardware
supporting tools. Contact Technologic Systems for support on CPLD programming
software and tools.
3.4 Real-Time Clock
optionally supports a Non-volatile Battery-backed real-time clock (RTC)
which is soldered onto the board. This option uses an ST Micro M48T86PC1 module for
the real-time clock function. This module contains the lithium battery, 32.768 kHz crystal,
and a RTC chip with 114 bytes of battery-backed CMOS RAM. It will maintain clock
operation for a minimum of 10 years in the absence of power.
The 114 bytes of non-volatile RAM, physically located in the RTC chip, are available to the
user. Contact Technologic Systems for driver support.
The RTC is accessed using two registers. The write-only index register is located at
physical address location
and the RTC data register is location at physical
address location
. These are byte-wide registers with the Index Register
property of write only. The Data Register has a read/write property. Valid Index Register
values are between 0 and 127, decimal. The first 14 index locations are used for
accessing the RTC Time and Date registers. The next 114 locations are non-volatile RAM
This option is NOT compatible with the TS-5620, a peripheral board that also uses an ST
Micro RTC module for real-time clock functionality. While the two options are mutually
exclusive, it is possible to use the TS-5620 peripheral board on a
that does not
have the on-board RTC option installed. Any source code that utilizes the RTC is
compatible with both optional installations. The TS-Kernel shipped with the boards
includes support for the TS-5620 peripheral board.
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