2. General
Instructions for Use for SUNRISE No. 30086638 Rev. No. 2.9
SUNRISE Instrument Configuration with 4Filter Option
Measurement time:
dual wavelength
single wavelength
8 seconds
6 seconds
Wavelength range:
Standard filter
340 - 750 nm
Measurement range:
340 - 399 nm
400 - 750 nm
0 - 3.000 OD
0 - 4.000 OD
0.001 OD
(492 nm)
0.000 - 2.000 OD
(492 nm)
2.000 - 3.000 OD
< (1.0 % + 0.010 OD) *
< (1.5 % + 0.010 OD) *
(492 nm)
0.000 - 2.000 OD
(492 nm)
2.000 - 3.000 OD
< (0.5 % + 0.005 OD) *
< (1.0 % + 0.005 OD) *
(340 - 399 nm) 0.000 - 2.000 OD
(400 - 750 nm) 0.000 - 2.000 OD
2.000 - 3.000 OD
< 2 %
< 1 %
< 1.5 %
(340 - 399 nm) 0.000 - 2.000 OD
(400 - 750 nm) 0.000 - 2.000 OD
(400 - 750 nm) 2.000 - 3.000 OD
R² >= 0.999
R² >= 0.999
R² >= 0.999
* better than x % of measurement value plus corresponding OD value.
Note: All deviations from the measurement value are meant in positive and negative direction.
Wavelength selection:
Standard filter
Narrow band interference filters. Up to
four filters can be mounted in a filter
carriage. The instrument can use up to
eight different filter carriages.
Filter wavelength accuracy
Central wave/- 2 nm
Filter bandwidth
At 50% transmission:
10 +/- 2 nm
Light source:
Halogen lamp 20 W
All connected devices must be approved and listed as per IEC 60950-1
Information Technology Equipment
– Safety and equivalent local standards.
Computer interface:
Serial RS 232 C
300 - 38,400 baud
SUNRISE Instrument Configuration with 6Filter Option
See 2.3.2 SUNRISE Instrument Configuration with 4Filter Option .