The gear shift principle:
right hand
lever operates
the rear gears. The
left hand
lever operates the
front chain
ring shifter
When shifting through a wide range of gears, you
may notice a noise as a result of the chain rubbing
on the inside of the front derailleur cage.
This noise can be eliminated by moving the gear
lever (friction systems) or adjusting the gear cable
(indexing systems.)
WARNING: Avoid riding with the chain on both the largest
front chain ring and the largest rear cog, smallest rear cog
and small chain ring. This puts excessive strain on the chain
and can damage derailleur parts.
Practice changing to a lower gear before stopping.
This will assist easier starting at take-off.
As you gain more experience with your gear ratios you
will be able to select the most suitable gear for the
terrain and weather conditions.
Your tricycle retailer will be able to assist you if
you are uncertain about the steps in shifting gears.
From time to time your rear derailleur needs
adjustment. You may need to tighten the derailleur
cable to remove excessive cable slack. Excessive
slack in the cable will cause the derailleur to miss