control test
Perform a control test with vehicle wheels off of the ground.
If the wheels rotate after the vehicle is powered on, adjust the “TH. Trim”
knob located to the lower right of the steering wheel until they stop. To make
the wheels move forward, pull the trigger back. To reverse them, wait for
the wheels to stop, then push the trigger forward. When going forward, the
wheels should maintain a straight line. If not, adjust the “ST. Trim” knob,
located to the upper right of the steering wheel, so that the wheels maintain
a straight line without having to turn the steering wheel.
1. Once the battery is charged, remove the body clips from the battery strap
posts. Remove the battery strap.
2. Install the charged battery pack into the chassis as shown. Ensure the
battery is laying flat on the chassis.
3. Plug the battery pack’s Ec2 connector into the ESc’s Ec2 connector.
4. Reinstall the battery strap and body clips. Plug the battery pack into the
Installing Battery
charging your Battery
the Battery charging Process
1. charge only batteries that are cool to the touch and are not damaged e.g.,
swollen, bent, broken or punctured.
2. connect the charger to the proper wall receptacle noting proper polarity.
3. Plug the battery’s Ec2™ connector into the charger’s Ec2™connector
4. Let the battery charge for 3 hours.
5. Monitor the battery during the charge, and end the charge process if the charger
or battery becomes hot.
6 Always unplug the battery from the charger immediately upon completion of
Overcharging a battery can cause a fire.
Losi Mini 8ight BRUshLEss BUggy• instRUction ManUaL