The TeCom-HD is equipped with a Kenwood-compatible accessory connection (3.5 /
2.5 mm - stereo / stereo) (10) that also serves for the software cable.
For accessories check the product page on our web site www.team-electronic.com.
The DTMF function has to be programmed with the optional software T-UP38.
With its features of decode and encodes, the DTMF can be used as a selective calling
system. The automatic transmission of DTMF codes (PTT ID) and the stun feature,
which allows to deactivate transmission remotely, are also available.
Each DTMF enocde can contain a maximum of 16 symbols (0-9 and A-F). The maximal
16 DTMF calling codes can be programmed via software in the Auto Dial List. Adjust-
ments of certain parameters, e.g.
1st Digit Delay Time
Digit Last Time
Digit Interval
are possible. To hear the DTMF call, the side tone feature has to be activated.
For the PTT-ID feature - automatic transmission of a DTMF call upon pushing or relea-
sing the PTT key - 2 PTT-ID codes can be programmed (beginning of transmission and
end of transmission).
The DTMF radio ID decode can be composed of a maximum of 10 symbols (0-9 and
A-F). The usage of a group symbol (A-F) is enabled. Further, it is possible to activate a
warning tone that will be audible in the event of the reception of a call.
To mute the channel for all other signals that do not contain the specific DTMF ID de-
code of the radio, the channel setting
SP Unmute
has to be set to
Q/D And Opt
The Stun functions allows to deactivate the transmission mode of a remote radio. To
activate a radio for this feauture, the stun code needs to be assigned. Once this stun
code is received, transmission is deactivated (reception is still possible).
To revive a stunned radio, the stun code, followed by the letter
has to be received.
The following settings have to be considered when using DTMF calling:
1. Enter the encodes in the Autodial List under DTMF.
2. Enter the decode under DTMF.
3. Assign one of the multi function keys with the function AutoDial.
4. In the channel settings select DTMF under Opt.
5. In the channel settings select an encode of the Autodial List.
6. In the channel settings make your selection for the setting SP UNMUTE:
: disregard code
: according the CTCSS/DCS code
Q/D And Opt
: according the CTCSS/DCS and the DTMF/2-Tone code.
Q/D Or Opt
: according the CTCSS/DCS or the DTMF/2-Tone code.
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