a 3 pin female connector is available (part number
EC2001) which can be wired directly to the battery.
The brown wire is to be connected to the positive (+)
battery terminal and the blue wire to the negative
terminal (-). The drum rotation receiver box is fitted
with a 5A fuse inside to protect against electrical
overload. Under no circumstances should the
electrical overload protection be bypassed or fuses
with a rating exceeding 5 amps be used.
will be invalidated if this occurs.
Unbolt the round metal guard from the front of the
main shaft bearing housing and fit the slip clutch end
of the PTO shaft onto the machine. Ensure the clamp
bolts are tightened fully, check that there is no free
play on the splines of the shaft otherwise damage will
occur. Refit the metal guard.
These bale shredders are designed for use either on
the normal category 2, 3 point linkage or on a 'Quick
Hitch A Frame'. If the 3 point linkage is to be used,
the implement lifting frame and the adjustable upper
link should both be in the lower positions. The upper
position should be used where the machine is to be
mounted on an A Frame. These two positions take
into account the height of the A Frame.
Fit the machine onto the tractor in the usual manner
and fit the stabilisers or tighten the check chains.
Using the multi-hole tie bar at the top of the lifting
frame, angle the frame such that it is vertical, or
leaning away from the tractor. The top link pin should
be in the lower of the two holes at this stage. The
angle of the machine may be adjusted in use to give
the required feed rate. A steeply sloping drum will
generally produce a faster feed and vice versa. This
adjustment is greatly facilitated by the use of a
hydraulic top link.
Fit the PTO shaft and with 'Position Control' selected,
lift the machine fully on the linkage, continuously
checking that the PTO shaft does not come to within
25 mm. (1 inch) of bottoming. With the shaft in its most
extended position, there should not be less than half
of the original overlap between the sliding members.
If necessary, cut the PTO shaft to the correct length.
If a hydraulic top link is used, check the PTO for
bottoming throughout the full range of adjustment of
the top link.
Connect the hydraulic hoses into the spool valve
connections of the tractor. The connections and valve
operation must be such that the drum rotates in an
anticlockwise direction when viewed from the rear.
This ensures that a) the belt drive operates safely and
effectively and that b) the bale is fed into the rotor in
the correct manner.
In use, the drum rotates, feeding the bale into the
rotating blades. The output (and power requirement)
can be increased by tilting the machine forwards
slightly, thereby increasing the pressure of the bale
against the blades.
It is essential to get the relationship between the
tractor PTO shaft and the Tomahawk splined shaft
correct to give a satisfactory PTO shaft life.
Fig. 4 Correct PTO Geometry
The correct geometry exists when the angle between
the tractor shaft and the PTO shaft is the same as the
angle between the Tomahawk splined shaft and the
PTO shaft (see Fig. 4). Any significant deviation from
this situation will adversely affect the life of the drive
line and may cause the machine to vibrate.
The geometry will vary from one tractor to another but
the basic layout is obtained by adjusting the angle of
tilt using linkage geometry and height of lift. Once the
correct top link lengths/ positions/working heights have
been established for a particular tractor, these should
always be used when the machine is shredding.
The Tomahawk will shred string, but putting twine or
netwrap through the machine is not recommended as
it will eventually be spread on the land and pollute the
next crop of silage or hay. The strings or net should be
removed from the bale as it is being loaded into the
Bales can be loaded into the machine in two ways,
using a loader or by hand. If a loader is used, simply
load the bale into the drum such that it is fully inserted,
but without ramming it against the end plate. It may
also be possible to load straw bales by hand with the
machine lowered onto the ground.
9.1 Silage
4040, 4040XL, 5050, 5050XL models
Minor adjustments to the machine are required when
switching from silage to straw and vice versa as
outlined below.
Place the locking pin across underneath the end of the
lower flap. This prevents the lower on/off flap from
being forced open by the pressure of the silage.
Remove or fully hinge down the straw plate in the
base of the right hand chute. It is essential that the
base of the silage delivery chute slopes steeply to
prevent blockage. If silage is to be discharged via the
giraffe chute, open the blanking disc at the front of the
machine by slackening the two wing nuts and sliding it
fully towards the tractor (see Fig. 5). This will allow
more air into the rotor and ensure a more positive