Depending on the setting, the zero value might not be retained
when the power is restarted.
When power restarted
Digital zero (D/Z)
The set zero value is reset, and the zero
balancing value is shown.
Zero balancing
The set zero value is retained.
8-1. Procedures shared by all
calibration methods
The three calibration methods are equivalent input calibra-
tion, actual load calibration and TEDS calibration. All the
calibration methods have the same procedures before and
after calibration.
An overview of the calibration procedures is shown below.
Unlock calibration values
Calibration Value Lock command
(Set to OFF)
Remote Sense setting
Remote Sense command
Before connecting the sensor, use a Remote
Sense command to set Used (6-wire format)/
Unused (4-wire format).
Equivalent Input Calibration,
Actual Load Calibration
or TEDS Calibration
Lock calibration values
Following an explanation of the procedures to be conducted
before and after calibration are explanations of the procedures
for equivalent input calibration, actual load calibration and
TEDS calibration.
When calibration is conducted, the D/A Converter setting will
be initialized automatically according to the calibration value
(TD-SC1 (D/A) only).
8-1-1. Locking and unlocking
calibration values
Usually, the unit is used with Calibration Value Lock set to ON.
This must be set to OFF before calibration. After calibration, set
it to ON again.
In order to prevent accidental changes to the calibration value,
set Calibration Value lock to ON after calibration.
See “14-1. Lock item list” on page 58 for information about
settings that cannot be changed when Calibration Value Lock
is ON.
8-1-2. Remote Sense
Before connecting a sensor, confirm the sensor specifications.
Furthermore, when using a 6-wire format (remote sense for-
mat), use a Remote Sense command to select “Used (6-wire
format)”. When using a TEDS sensor or a 4-wire format, set it to
“Unused (4-wire format)”.
8. Calibration