Tables for Wood
The calibration data in this table are
based on standard tests by oven-drying
of commercial samples of the various
wood species, between 7% and fibre
saturation. Above fibre saturation point
(25%-30%) readings are approximate
only and generally apply to wood that has
dried and been re-wetted.
The instrument is calibrated for wood at
20°C (68°F). If the temperature of the wood
varies by more than 5°C, the meter
reading can be corrected approximately
by adding ½% for every 5°C below 20°C or
subtracting ½% for every 5°C above 20°C.
Readings higher by 1%-2% may be
obtained where wood has been
impregnated with a water-borne
High readings obtained with some
ply-woods of peculiar composition
must be treated with caution.
Botanical Names of Timbers