Safety Warnings
Safety Instructions (ASTM F2642)
• Units shall not be modified from the manufacturer’s original design
and configuration.
• Units shall not be operated to perform racing, stunt riding, or
other maneuvers, which may cause loss of control, or may cause
uncontrolled operator / passenger actions or reactions.
• Before each cycle of operation, the operator shall perform the
preoperation checks specified by the manufacturer:
• That the area that the unit is to be operated in is safe and suitable
for safe operation;
• That all safety labels are in place and understood by the operator
and any passenger;
• That any and all axle guards, chain guards, or other covers or
guards supplied by the manufacturer are in place and in serviceable
condition; and
• That tires are in good condition, inflated properly, and have sufficient
tread remaining.
• The owner shall allow the use and operation of the unit after a
demonstration that such operators can understand and operate all
components of the unit before use.
• Operators shall adhere to all the manufacturer’s recommendations
and instructions, as well as comply with all laws and ordinances:
• Units without headlights shall be operated only with adequate
daylight conditions of visibility and
• Owners shall be encouraged to highlight (for conspicuity) using light,
reflectors, and low-riding units, signal flags on flexible poles.