3.2.8 – Administration
This menu handles the phone’s administration and LCD settings.
It includes: – Misc. Menu
This menu focuses on tCPUcpu settings and profiles and includes the following
sub-menus: – Profiles – Software Version
Shows the software version details, press right selection button to return to
previous menu. – LCD Settings
This section deals with LCD settings.
After changing the LCD settings the
phone will have to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect. – Power Save
Press the left selection key to begin the power save mode, press the right
selection key to cancel and return to previous menu. – LCD Off
This sub menu enables the user to select the time period after which the LCD will
be turned off. There are five options – one minute, two minutes, three minutes,
four minutes and five minutes. Use the up and down keys on the five way scroller
to navigate between the options and press the left selection key to make the
selection. Press the right selection key to cancel and return to previous screen.