Measuring main coil resistance : White
Measuring sub coil resistance : Brown
Measuring control coil resistance : Red
1.2.5 Thermostat
There are 3 kinds of thermostat malfunction.
1) Leak of gas charged in sensor part
2) Short of contact point
3) Wrong wiring
Switch off at room temperature 18-30°C, turn carefully the knob of thermostat from 1 to 10 (the number may
be different or a figure be used according to model) or reversely, and click sounds.
After the sound is heard, turn reversely to check again the click sounds.
If click sounds, the thermostat is in normal. If room temperature exceeds 30°C, test should be done after
cooling by putting the sensor part of thermostat into a cold water container because the contact point is not
If knob is turned but click does not sound, remove the thermostat cover and examine the contact point.
The fused contact point should be replaced with a new thermostat.
If contact point is not closed despite of the sensor temperature being sufficiently high, the gas at the sensor
part may be leaked. In this case, replace the thermostat.
When replacing thermostat, be sure to conduct after performing carefully as the above content.
1.2.6 Thermistor
Pull out the lead wire of thermistor terminal to test continuity.
Connect a tester to the terminal of thermistor and measure the resistance. The resistance value varies
according to the measuring condition and temperature, so in order to vary temperature forcibly, put water in
a cup, cool the sensor part of thermistor, and then measure the resistance, and also measure in a condition
that the sensor part of thermistor becomes warm by hands.
TCL Air Conditioner Service Manual