GPRS Record
The GPRS service provided by China Mobile is calculated by data flow. Through GPRS
record, you can view or delete the received and sent flow of recent and all links.
The phone provides two kinds of storage media: SIM card and phone. The storage capacity
of SIM card depends on the type of SIM card.
Enter a string of number under standby mode and press the left soft key to save the number.
After user has selected the type of phone number, the name entry interface will appear. If
not enter the name information, the user can press the left soft key to access directly to the
phonebook list. In this case, the functional menu of phonebook list has two items only:
search of names and edit. When the user find the corresponding name record and then
select Edit, then the added number will supplement to the name record. If the found name
record has already three phone numbers, after the user select Edit, notice of “Number Full
for This Name” will appear, and return to number entry interface.
In the name entry interface, after the user entered name information and press the left soft
key, it would proceed as a new added record.
Under standby mode, pressing the left soft key may directly access the phonebook and the