4. Definition of terms
1) Air conditioning : Keeping room air in an optimum condition, depending on the use or purpose. (Cooling, heat-
ing, humidity regulating, air cleaning, etc.)
2) Cooling (Heating) capacity : Calorie which is able to be released (or added) per a unit time in room.
It is expressed in Kcal/h, BTU/h or W.
3) Absolute humidity : The amount of vapor contained in the air. Generally it is equal to the amount of vapor by g
unit contained in 1m
air, and is expressed in g/m
4) Relative humidity : The ratio between the amount of vapor contained in the air and the maximum amount (the
amount of saturated vapor) of vapor capable of containing at that temperature in %.
* Relative humidity = Actual vapor pressure/Saturated vapor pressure x 100
= Actual vapor pressure of dew point temperature /saturated vapor pressure of dry-bulb
temp. x 100
5) Dew point temperature : The surface temperature which starts dewing on the surface when cooling a sub-
stance in the air.
6) Latent heat and sensible heat : Heat which causes a change in the state of a substance, with its temperature
constant, is called latent heat whereas heat which changes the temperature of
a substance is called sensible heat. Latent heat is expressed in terms of calo-
ries needed to cause a change of state of a substance per 1 kg. The following
equation shows that Q Kcal is needed to change state of a substance weight
G Kg when the latent heat is L Kcal/kg.
Q = GL
7) Thermal flow
(1) Radiation
: A phenomenon which thermal energy as an electro-magnetic wave is transmitted
directly from a thermal source.
(2) Conductive emission
: A phenomenon which transmits from high to low temperature when there is a
temperature difference partially in a substance.
(Example : When one tip of iron rod becomes hot.)
(3) Convection
: When the temperature of a fluid like gas or liquid changes by heat, the high tem-
perature part expands and thus the density drops to cause to be light whereas
the low temperature part is to be heavy. It means a phenomenon that heat is
transmitted together when floating happens by the weight difference of air.
Sublimation Heat
Fusion Heat
Vaporization Heat
Three States of a Substance
TCL Air Conditioner Service Manual