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© NXP B.V. 2007. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 0.11 — 25 January 2007
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NXP Semiconductors
UOC-TOP-64 N1 series
Signal processor for CRT TV
2.2 Micro-Controller
80C51 m-controller core standard instruction set and timing
0.9766 ms machine cycle
maximum of 80 k x 8-bit late programmed ROM
maximum of 3 k x 8-bit Auxiliary RAM
C byte level bus interface.
Interrupt controller for individual enable/disable with two level priority
Two 16-bit Timer/Counter registers
One 24-bit Timer (16-bit timer with 8-bit Pre-scaler)
16-bit Data pointer
WatchDog timer
Auxiliary RAM page pointer
Stand-by, Idle and Power Down modes
Up to 13 general-purpose I/O pins
14 bits PWM for Voltage Synthesis Tuning
8-bit A/D converter with 4 multiplexed inputs
4 PWM (6-bits) outputs for analogue control functions
2.3 Data Capture (Teletext and Closed Caption devices)
Text memory for 1 page
Inventory of transmitted Teletext pages stored in the Transmitted Page Table (TPT)
and Subtitle Page Table (SPT)
Data Capture for US Closed Caption
Data Capture for 525/625 line WST, VPS (PDC system A) and 625 line Wide Screen
Signalling (WSS) bit decoding
Automatic selection between 525 WST/625 WST
Automatic selection between 625 WST/VPS on line 16 of VBI
Real-time capture and decoding for WST Teletext in Hardware, to enable optimized
m-processor throughput
Automatic detection of FASTEXT transmission
Real-time packet 26 engine in Hardware for processing accented, G2 and G3
Signal quality detector for video and WST/VPS data types
Comprehensive teletext language coverage
Vertical Blanking Interval (VBI) data capture of WST data