Use the SPEED knob to set the speed of the effect.
The relationship between the depth and
speed parameters is important. The faster the
speed, the less depth can be applied before
the Chorus sounds “out of tune”.
TIME/FILTER Knob: Time Parameter
Use the TIME/FILTER knob to set the delay time for
the Chorus effect. Changing the delay time will change
the perceived “width” of the Chorus effect. Set this
knob to a 12 o’clock position for a nice traditional
Chorus effect.
SHAPE/FEED Knob: Hi-Cut Parameter
Use the SHAPE/FEED knob to reduce the high-end
frequencies in the Chorus effect. Try using this
parameter if you feel the Chorus effect is too dominant
in your sound.
Use the VARIATION button to tilt the phase of the
signal on the right channel by 90 degrees, resulting in
a very broad stereo sound.
This only applies in stereo setups.
The Tri-Chorus is a variation of the regular Chorus that
uses three stereo Choruses with various offsets for
both depth, speed, phase and chorus delay time to
produce a unique, very broad and lush Chorus sound.
Speed, Depth and Time parameter descriptions are
similar to the standard Chorus descriptions.
SHAPE/FEED/TRI-MIX Knob: Tri-Mix Parameter
In Tri-Chorus mode, use the SHAPE/FEED/TRI-MIX
knob to set the mix between the dry signal and the
chorused effect.