TC Electronic A/S
Finalizer Service manual
page 13
Power On Sequence:
The table below shows the Power On Sequence for main board version PC12001-3, when the Finalizer is switched on by using the power switch at the back panel. Equal sequence
numbers mean that the events are independent of each other. Column Trouble Shooting has hints about what to check if the event fails.
The Power On Sequence is also made as flow chart, see appendix.
No Event
Trouble shooting
1a SB_VCC (POWER_SB, Violet wire) goes to approx. 5VDC and supplies IC44.
Power cord, DZ1, IC44 or power supply.
1b +15V (15V, Orange wire) goes to approx. +15VDC.
power supply, load (normal current load is approx. 70mA)
1c -15V (POWER_-15V, Yellow wire) goes negative to approx. -15VDC.
power supply, load (normal current load is approx. 70mA)
TP5 goes to +4.7VDC. C149 is discharged and keeps IC44 pin 13 low and
subsequently IC44 pin 8 goes high.
IC44, DZ1
3a +5VSB, (+5V_STANDBY*, Brown wire) goes to approx. +3.2VDC
3b Q10 and Q11 turns on IC47
Q10, Q11, IC47
4a +5V (POWER +5V, Red wire) goes high.
power supply, load (normal current load is approx. 0.6A)
4b TP1, +15V starts up.
4c TP2, -15V starts up.
5a Display backlight turns on
Ribbon cable at Front connector J2, two solderings at display for back light.
5b TP12, power for PLL goes high.
IC24, IC27
5c TP9, CPU clock starts up, 14.112MHz
IC26 + soldering
5d TP13, 256FS starts up
IC28, IC26 + soldering, If CPU clock is missing the frequency is undefined.
5e TP3, +5VAD starts up.
IC11, Q8
TP4, -5VAD starts up.
IC11, Q9
6a TP10, DSP clock starts up, 44.100KHz
IC25 + soldering
6b TP14, ADA_64FS starts up
IC25 + soldering
6c TP15, ADA_1FS starts up
IC25 + soldering
6d LD4 and LD5 flashes and stays on. Often the intensity of LD5 is a little higher
than the intensity of LD4.
The intensity depends on the in/output level settings. Oscillation in analog section gives
constant high intensity. If so, check C172, C173, C174, C175,