(C) TBProAudio 2016
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4 How to use
Simple gain riding of a (vocal) track:
Load GainRider 2 plugin into the insert-slot of your (vocal) track. Load "default" program,
make sure that automation is set to "Idle" and mode is set to "INT". Let the DAW play and
watch the display.
Adjust the target level so it is between the local minimum and maximum of the control signal
(e.g. -18dBFS). Finally set the RangeMax to 0dB and the RangeMin to -9dB. Please note that
the source signal is now only reduced, no more gain increase at the beginning or end of a ride:
Advanced gain riding with side channel signal (mode SC2):
In this case the loudness of the main signal follows the loudness of control (side chain) signal.
Adjust the final loudness with the volume knob (e.g. +3dB), so the main signal "sits" above
control signal.