NOTE! As it is only two straight lines for the contact between the workpiece cylindrical sur-
face and the bottom V-groove of the magnetic lifter, the actual loading capacity is commonly
regarded as 30%--50% of the rated loading capacity according to the diameter of the cylin-
drical workpiece. (The diameter size affects the decrease of the loading capacity)
After lifting
After the completion of hoisting, press the button on the top of the handle.
Separate the slide key inside the handle from the linchpin.
Pull the handle to "OFF" position; the magnetic lifter will be put in closed condition. In this
way, you can take off the magnetic lifter from the hoisted workpiece.
NOTE! The gravity center should be considered when lifting a long workpiece; in principle the
length of the workpiece should be less than 3000 mm.
Ensure that the magnetic lifter is kept clean and moving parts are lubricated.
Regularly inspect the magnetic lifter for wear, damage, distortion, cracks and any defects.
If any defects are found, remove the magnetic lifter from service and have it repaired by
an authorized service center.