Marchesan Implementos e Máquinas Agrícolas “TATU” S.A.
It is very important to use graphite on TITANIUM. The average use of graphite per
seed hopper is 200 - 240 grams, depending on the seed type or the treatment that was
applied on them.
The graphite must be fixed to the seeds uniformly during plantation and always on the
dry seeds.
Never mix graphite with the liquid treatment, because it takes away the lubricant capacity
of the graphite, so the seeds will turn to black but will not be lubricated.
Graphite (powder) is the last treatment that should be applied to the seeds and has
the purpose to lubricate them to eliminate doubles, skipping, wearing on the rings, seed
breaking and premature wear on Brush flow and Flex brush components.
Some farmers know the benefits of using graphite for a perfect distribution and usually
mix the graphite to the seeds by putting 1/2 bag filled with seeds on a plastic bag (fertilizer
bag, for example) and shaking to assure that all seeds will be equally lubricated.
Graphite powder use